Horizontal Foundation Cracks

Horizontal foundation cracks are the most serious kind. This orientation of a crack in the foundation signifies structural damage, and will need to be repaired by a professional. You cannot repair this type of crack in your foundation with items from a home improvement store. 

Foundation cracks require extensive knowledge of structural support. Industry-specific tools and products are necessary to effectively restore the structural integrity of the foundation. If horizontal cracks are not repaired correctly and in a timely manner there is danger of further damage or collapse to your foundation.

In order to repair horizontal cracks, we will use a variety of foundation repair methods. We will use helical tiebacks in the affected walls to straighten the wall. Once the wall is vertical again, we will need to fix the actual cracks in the walls. In most cases we will use carbon fiber to go over the cracks. This provides strength, stability as well as a good waterproofing solution for the repair. Using carbon fiber allows for a low-profile repair, allowing you to paint over it, making it almost undetectable.

Since your waterproofing system is failing to keep water away from your foundation, in addition to the structural support and repair, we will also need to address the waterproofing systems in your home. Depending on your situation, and what waterproofing systems are already installed, we will help you come up with a plan to improve the waterproofing systems so that water is effectively drained away from your foundation.


If you need foundation cracks repaired, contact our waterproofing and foundations division to schedule a consultation.