Quality Drainage Systems

Interior Drainage Systems

Interior Drainage is vital. There are a variety of ways water can drain into our homes or businesses. The two main methods are either through the foundation or if the water table has risen. Ultimately, interior drainage redirects water to your sump basin/pump which eliminates unnecessary flooding.

surface drainage systems

A quality drainage option is our effective Form-A-Drain drainage system. This permanently installed system has several benefits: relieves hydrostatic pressure, reduces risk of blockage, and ensures rapid collection of ground water. Furthermore, this system features superior water intake capacity, does not sag or crimp, and is conveniently parallel with the footing of the foundation.

Exterior Drainage Systems

Exterior Drainage is used to keep water away from the building’s foundation. These specific products reduce flooding in both hardscaping and landscaping areas. Some of these quality exterior systems include both surface and sub-surface drainage.

channel drain

There are a few options available when considering exterior drains and waterproofing. One option is our ECP Channel Drain. These Channel Drains are “efficient [and] easy to use …they quickly remove water from hardscapes as perimeter drains and direct it away from building structures or any other area requiring surface drainage.”

sub-surface drainage

Sub-surface drainage is considered a below grade waterproofing product. UMC offers exterior membranes which eliminates water migration. Our factory-controlled membranes offers a quality thickness that decreases spots which otherwise could easily be penetrated by water. This waterproofing membrane resists hydrostatic pressure and is cost competitive.

in-line catch basins

Our surface drainage system is an inline catch basin product that protects buildings against excess rain and irrigation issues. This system ensures that all excess water from downspouts and gutters is drained appropriately. In addition, catch basins will collect any unnecessary debris that could be damaging.

Please Contact our Waterproofing Division for questions about these quality drainage systems.